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Dostupnosť: Na objednávku
Cena: 8.99 €
Dátum vydania: 30.09.2004
EAN: 0044007309292
Kat.č.: 484539
Distribútor: import7
Vydavateľ: DECCA
Žáner: Klasika
STEREO: PCM / SURROUND: Dolby Digital 5.1 & DTS 5.1
Picture Format: 4:3
Subtitles: Italian/French/German/English/Spanish/Chinese
A production of Metropolitan Opera Association, Inc.

(Gesamtaufnahme · Complete
Intégrale · Integrale)

Plácido Domingo · Renée Fleming · James Morris
The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus
James Levine

Int. Release 02 Feb. 2004
1 DVD-Video
EnglishGermanSpanishDutch.As the Moor . . . he is every inch the Venetian general. Can anyone have matched his heroic delivery, his frightening mien when deluded or his devastation when the truth is revealed? Every part of his face and body seems involved in this arresting portrayal . . . James Levine, who conducted Domingo´s first Otello on record in the 1970s, has lost none of his ability to combine histrionic directness with a keen sensibility for the inner workings of a score he obviously loves, and his orchestra respond with dedicated playing.
Record Review / Alan Blyth, Gramophone (London) / 01. June 2004


Plácido Domingo, caught in one of his greatest roles . . . is a force of nature, showing what made him the Otello of his generation. Right from a thrilling ´Esultate!´, he gives a commanding performance . . .
Record Review / John Allison, BBC Music Magazine (London) / 01. July 2004


Domingo, in the supremely challenging title role, has to be something more, and this particular performance, some 16 years into his long exploration of Otello, shows him confident and with hardly a sign of strain anywhere.
Record Review / George Hall, Opera (London) / 01. September 2004


. . . none of the versions, to my mind, catches so much of the work´s immediate drama as this one, conducted by Levine . . . Elijah Moshinsky´s production . . . is expertly directed in traditional, decorative sets, and Moshinsky encourages his star singers to go beyond what they usually achieve. As the Moor, Domingo is superbly dressed . . . Can anyone have matched Domingo´s heroic delivery, his frightening mien when deluded, or his devastation when the truth is finally revealed to him? Every part of his face and body seems involved in this arresting portrayal, more searing even than his other versions. Renée Fleming and James Morris . . . both do very well . . . Morris gives us an interesting and unusual Iago. Here is a plausibly upright, tall courtier and confidant, who knows precisely how to manipulate Otello´s simpler personality and does so with subtlety . . . James Levine hast lost none of his ability to combine histrionic directness with a keen sensibility for the inner workings of a score he obviously loves, and his orchestra responds with dedicated playing. Brian Large´s video direction is as skilful as ever.
Record Review / Alan Blyth, Opera (London) / 01. October 2007


Auf ihrer . . . Produktion »The Woman, The Voice« geizt Anna Netrebko, aktueller Opern-Superstar, weder mit optischen Reizen noch mit vokaler Virtuosität . . . Akustisch-visueller Gesamtgenuss statt purem Hörerlebnis . . .
Miscellaneous / Thomas Röll, Focus (Munich) / 05. April 2004


Plácido Domingo ist als Otello sängerisch und vor allem auch darstellerisch auf seinem Zenit, ohne Outrage intensiv und glaubwürdig und macht auch in Großaufnahme etwas her. . . . grandiose Leistung des Titelhelden . . .
Record Review / Heinz Rögl, Bühne (Wien) / 01. March 2004


Die Inszenierung von Elijah Moshinsky ist minuziös zugeschnitten auf Plácido Domingo, der mit dieser Partie des venezianischen Feldherrn 1975 in Hamburg unter James Levine debütierte und seitdem berechtigte Triumphe als legendärer Otello feiert. Seine Stimmbeherrschung, die gekonnte Gratwanderung zwischen dramatischer Ausdrucksstärke, verzweifelter Innigkeit und noblem Schöngesang zeichnen ihn auch hier als einen idealen Interpreten des Mohren aus.
Record Review / B. Kempen, Das Opernglas (Hamburg) / 01. September 2004

... el tenor espańol atravesaba entonces un momento vocal óptimo, sin síntomas de fatiga en la voz, sin la tirantez en los agudos que se aprecia en las otras dos producciones. Sigue brindando una emocionante caracterización del personaje, de un carisma escénico inimitable y una entrega vocal indiscutible. ... Muy bien James Levine en el foso, no sólo despliega energía, dramatismo y sentido teatral; acompańa admirablemente a las voces, en especial a Domingo ... Brian Large ... vuelve a plasmar de forma impecable en la pequeńa pantalla el drama verdiano, llevando al espectador al centro de la acción escénica con increíble habilidad.
Record Review / Javier Pérez Senz, CD Compact (Barcelona) / 01. April 2004

Kwaliteit voor alles. En zo is de "Otello" van Verdi die bij Deutsche Grammophon op dvd verscheen.
Record Review / Hans Visser, Noord Hollands Dagblad (Alkmaar) / 25. July 2004

Track List
Giuseppe Verdi (1813 - 1901)
1. Opening Credits 1:38
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
Act 1
2. Una vela! Una vela! 4:12
Theodore Lambrinos, Richard Croft, James Morris, Charles Anthony, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine, Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Raymond Hughes
3. Esultate! 2:15
Plácido Domingo, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine, Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Raymond Hughes
4. Roderigo, ebben che pensi? 2:30
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine, James Morris, Charles Anthony
5. Fuoco di gioia! 2:41
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine, Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Raymond Hughes
6. Roderigo, beviam! 1:30
7. Inaffia l´ugola! Trinca, tracanna (Brindisi) 3:39
Richard Croft, James Morris, Charles Anthony, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine, Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Raymond Hughes
8. Capitano, v´attende la fazione ai baluardi 1:13
Theodore Lambrinos, Richard Croft, James Morris, Charles Anthony, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine, Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Raymond Hughes
9. Abbasso le spade! 3:11
Plácido Domingo, James Morris, Richard Croft, Theodore Lambrinos, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
10. Giŕ nella notte densa...Venga la morte 10:10
Plácido Domingo, Renée Fleming, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
Act 2
11. Non ti crucciar 2:13
James Morris, Richard Croft, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
12. Vanne! la tua meta giŕ vedo 0:29
13. Credo in un Dio crudel 5:32
James Morris, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
14. Ciň m´accora 4:13
Plácido Domingo, James Morris, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
15. Dove guardi splendono 4:39
James Morris, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine, Renée Fleming, Plácido Domingo
16. D´un uom che geme sotto il tuo disdegno 1:55
Renée Fleming, Plácido Domingo, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
17. Se inconscia, contro te, sposo, ho peccato 3:03
James Morris, Renée Fleming, Plácido Domingo, Jane Bunnell, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
18. Desdemona rea! 0:41
Plácido Domingo, James Morris, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
19. Tu?! Indietro! fuggi! 0:55
20. Ora e per sempre addio 0:58
Plácido Domingo, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
21. Pace, signor 2:31
Plácido Domingo, James Morris, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
22. Era la notte, Cassio dormia 2:45
James Morris, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
23. Oh! mostruosa colpa! 1:43
24. Si, pel ciel marmoreo giuro! 4:03
Plácido Domingo, James Morris, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
Act 3
25. Applause 0:18
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
26. La vedetta del porto 1:25
Plácido Domingo, Christopher Schaldenbrand, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
27. Continua 0:50
Plácido Domingo, James Morris, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
28. Dio ti giocondi, o sposo 4:47
29. Esterrefatta fisso 5:24
Renée Fleming, Plácido Domingo, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
30. Dio! mi potevi scagliar 3:21
Plácido Domingo, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
31. Cassio č lŕ! 0:45
James Morris, Plácido Domingo, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
32. Vieni; l´aula č deserta 0:43
33. ...e intanto, giacchč non si stanca mai 4:05
Richard Croft, James Morris, Plácido Domingo, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
34. Quest´č il segnale 2:27
Richard Croft, James Morris, Plácido Domingo, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine, Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Raymond Hughes
35. Il Doge ed il Senato salutano 2:51
James Morris, Plácido Domingo, Alexander Anisimov, Renée Fleming, Jane Bunnell, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine, Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Raymond Hughes
36. Messeri! Il Doge 1:44
Alexander Anisimov, Charles Anthony, Richard Croft, James Morris, Plácido Domingo, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
37. A terra!...si...nel livido fango 1:59
Renée Fleming, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
38. Quell´ innocente un fremito 4:00
39. Fuggite! 2:36
James Morris, Plácido Domingo, Alexander Anisimov, Renée Fleming, Jane Bunnell, Charles Anthony, Richard Croft, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine, Metropolitan Opera Chorus, Raymond Hughes
Act 4
40. Era piů calmo? 3:35
Renée Fleming, Jane Bunnell, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
41. Mia madre aveva una povera ancella 0:59
Renée Fleming, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
42. "Piangea cantando nell´erma landa..." 6:54
Renée Fleming, Jane Bunnell, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
43. Ave Maria, piena di grazia 5:02
Renée Fleming, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
44. Chi e lŕ? 3:13
45. Diceste questa sera le vostre preci? 2:58
Plácido Domingo, Renée Fleming, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
46. Aprite! Aprite! 3:27
Theodore Lambrinos, James Morris, Plácido Domingo, Alexander Anisimov, Renée Fleming, Jane Bunnell, Richard Croft, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
47. "Niun mi tema" (incl. Applause, End Credits) 10:41
Plácido Domingo, Richard Croft, Alexander Anisimov, Theodore Lambrinos, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, James Levine
Total Playing Time 2:22:43