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1 LP
Dostupnosť: Na objednávku
Cena: 25.99 €
Dátum vydania: 04.04.2019
EAN: 5413905201819
Kat.č.: X59358
Distribútor: import4
Vydavateľ: HYPTE

'Passionate And Tragic was recorded at Electrical Audio in Chicago (USA) with Steve Albini. • Cocaine Piss is known as one of the most intensively touring bands in the European punk scene, averaging about 150 shows a year from Norway to Portugal, from the UK to Lithuania, from a squatting house to a big summer festival.

Cocaine Piss always collaborates with young, promising art-directors for the visual aspects of this release (cover, photography, video clip...). This time they chose Laetitia Bica, who earned her stripes in the fashion business // Coming into twisted existence in 2014 in the Belgian city of Liège, pretty much as a bad taste joke, Cocaine Piss soon the band became an important name in the local alternative rock scene. Quickly establishing their own very particular style, with furious high-octane gigs that never reach the half-hour mark, kind of like watching the Dead Kennedys, Bikini Kill and Melt Banana all playing at once while really high on their namesake substance, in no time the band started to spread their fluffy wings across the rest Europe too.

The Pool and The Dancer were the permanent stain marks they’ve left so far to mark their whirlwind of activity (over 400 gigs all over Europe), two albums that have shown that their simple and aggressive style of noise punk can also grow and evolve. The latter was their first one to be recorded with the absolute legend that is Steve Albini, and it went so well that the big man stuck around for this new one too, once again committing these twelve short and sweet blasts to tape with his typical unique touch. The record marks yet another chapter in the progression of their basic sound, as it sees the frantic foursome incorporate more noise rock (think early Mudhoney or Big Black), which only makes their outbursts beefier and stronger in impact. Thematically, they’ll give you plenty to think about while your body shakes uncontrollably – equality, gender or otherwise, is the main thread in their work, and songs like Fake Tears, Role Model or Poor Decisions will have you reaching for that lyric sheet long after they’ve finished ringing in your ears.

Putting their money where their mouth is, Cocaine Piss always make it a point to collaborate with young and promising people. The art director chosen to take care of all the visual aspects of this latest release (album cover, photography, videos) is Laetitia Bica, who earned her stripes in the fashion business. As you could already see by the My Cake video, she has fully embraced the colourful rainbow, diving deep into the Cocaine Piss universe. Together with Thierry Tonnes she took care of all visuals that will accompany the sonic chaos.

Once again, Cocaine Piss will conquer Europe following the release of Passionate & Tragic. From April 2019 onwards, Benelux, Germany, UK, France, Spain and Portugal are all within the splash zone, and be prepared for more in the future. Stay tuned for updated tour dates!